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They slither while they pass they slip away across the universe
Gaturro's Brutish English

Dios, como me habré reido. Es simplemente genial xD.


vocalista: mouth ready
tonada: to nothing
viola: saw wave
clave de sol: sun pin
cuerda: not crarzy
balada: bullet gives
guitarreo: Money thief
serenata: be Renata
Concierto: with some
can can: 2 dogs
redouble: very twice
contrabajo: with job
solfeo: ugly sun


“If you like the peach, support the little hair”
“Si te gusta el durazno, bancate la pelusa”

“It doesnt happen orange champion”
“¡¡No pasa naranja, campeón!!”

“I find strange spider, that being fly, don’t recognise me”
“Me extraña, arena, que siendo mosca no me reconozca”

“It’s all jewel, wild beast”
“Está todo joya, fiera”


“A little police to the air
(Una canita al aire)

“The great seven”
(La gran siete)

“Little potatoe for parrot”
(papita pa’l loro!)

“Tomatoe the boat”
(Tomate el buque!)
“I sang him the forties”
(Le canté las cuarenta)

“You miss two players”
(Te faltan dos jugadores)

“Don’t you do the little fly dead”
(No te hagas la mosquita muerta)

“I take her out of her little houses”
(La saco de sus casillas)


Panqueque: bread what what
Plátano: money not
Canapés: police fish
Entremés: beteen month
Sandía: Saint day
Abadejo: I don’t like Abba
Mandarina: send flour
Bondiola: 007 say hello
Salchichón: go away bump
Alacena: to the dinner
Repollo: double chicken
Pistacho: pi-pi trash
Damasco: repugnant lady
Tomate: drink tea
Verdura: see hard


viernes 5.12.08 back to top?
Layout coded by Nicole.
Editado por Milu.